apply script to a complete folder

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apply script to a complete folder

Joaquin Goñi
Dear ImageJ community:

I would like to develop a macro under ImageJ that make an specific study
over every image contained inside certain folder.
Otherwise I have to go image by image, something really tedious taking
into account that I am dealing with hundreds of images.

Any idea how to do it?

Thanks a lot for any help.

Kind regards,


Joaquín Goñi
Neurociencias - Lab. Neurobiología Molecular
Fundación para la Investigación Médica Aplicada
Edificio CIMA
Pío XII, 55 31008 Pamplona (Spain)
Phone (+34) 948194700 Ext:2006
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Re: apply script to a complete folder

Wayne Rasband
> Dear ImageJ community:
> I would like to develop a macro under ImageJ that make an specific
> study over every image contained inside certain folder.
> Otherwise I have to go image by image, something really tedious taking
> into account that I am dealing with hundreds of images.
> Any idea how to do it?

There is an example macro at

that runs the Measure command on all the images in a folder.
