automatic tracing of outlines?

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automatic tracing of outlines?

Baggerly, ROY G
I am interested in tracing a profile or outline in an image and creating
a simple x y data file. I believe Image Pro had a utility for doing that
and I was wondering if Image J has a similar capability with a plugin
somewhere? Thank you.

Roy G. Baggerly
TEL:  425 237 6865
FAX: 425 237 0052

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 that drives inventors, designers, and engineers to modify what
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Re: automatic tracing of outlines?

Wayne Rasband
> I am interested in tracing a profile or outline in an image
> and creating a simple x y data file. I believe Image Pro had
> a utility for doing that  and I was wondering if Image J has
> a similar capability with a plugin  somewhere? Thank you.

Use the Image>Adjust>Threshold tool to highlight the object of
interest, click on it with the wand tool to create a selection, then
save the X and Y coordinates using File>Save As>XY Coordinates.
