Hello John,
bUnwarpJ can correct misalignments in 2D but remember it's not a 3D
registratoin method so it won't affect the Z axis of your data.
What do you exactly need to register? A sequence of 2D images?
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 4:34 AM, LIM Soon Yew John (IMB) <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Can I please check if bUnwarpJ can be used to correct for chromatic
> aberration for 2 channels Z-stack super-resolution fluorescence images?
> Will the transformation cause any misalignment in Z axis?
> Please note the transformation file for bUnwarpJ is created by using
> super-resolution images from 0.1 um multi-wavelength beads.
> Best Regards,
> John
> --
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Ignacio Arganda-Carreras, Ph.D.
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