I have recently programmed a macro for measuring objects. Each object
(gray) in the image contains a white particle (background is black). I measure the shortest and largest distance (if any) from this particle to the object's surface, along with some other parameters (areas, etc.). This macro works fine. Now I want to run this macro in a large amount of images, so I have built another macro that calls first one and iterates for all images in a directory. Everything works perfect, but as soon as add a "setBatchMode(true);" line in any of the two macros, the first macro does not work. Can anyone help? I do atach the macros in case you should need them. Thank you in advance. Josep M. Lanau -------- // ***** MESURA BOLETS ***** // Creat: JML 01-Març-2008 // Últim modificat el: 5/08/08 macro "Mesura bolets" { //setBatchMode(true); nom=getTitle(); print("Imatge, Numbolet, AreaBarret, DiamBarret, PerimBarret, XBarret, YBarret, AreaCama, XCama, YCama, DiamCama, PerimCama, Lateralitat, Antilateralitat"); //Neteja roiManager i deselecciona tot seleccions=roiManager("count") if (seleccions>0) { roiManager("Select", 0); roiManager("Delete"); seleccions=roiManager("count"); if (seleccions>0) { roiManager("Combine"); roiManager("Delete"); } } // Poso a escala // run("Set Scale...", "distance=296 known=5 pixel=1 unit=cm global"); // Compto el número de partícules. run("Set Measurements...", "area centroid perimeter feret's limit display redirect=None decimal=3"); run("Clear Results"); run("Select None"); setThreshold(35, 255); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=500-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Nothing display clear include summarize add"); // Agafo Núm partícules i iterar: numparticules=roiManager("count"); cas=0; do { run("Set Measurements...", "area centroid perimeter feret's limit display redirect=None decimal=3"); roiManager("Select", cas); //Duplico, run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=1"); run("Duplicate...", "title=[barretikama"+cas+".jpg]"); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=-1"); run("Colors...", "foreground=white background=black selection=yellow"); run("Clear Outside"); // Selecciono blanc, Mesuro cama setThreshold(250, 255); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=500-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Nothing display clear include"); AreaCama=getResult("Area"); PerimCama=getResult("Perim."); DiamCama=getResult("Feret"); XCama=getResult("X"); YCama=getResult("Y"); run("Select None"); // Seleciono blanc +gris, mesuro barret setThreshold(50, 249); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=500-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Nothing display clear include"); AreaBarret=getResult("Area"); PerimBarret=getResult("Perim."); DiamBarret=getResult("Feret"); XBarret=getResult("X"); YBarret=getResult("Y"); //Miro si hi ha forat run("Analyze Particles...", "size=500-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Nothing display clear"); diferencia=AreaBarret-getResult("Area"); lateralitat=0; // si hi ha forat mesuro lateralitat if (diferencia!=0) { run("Duplicate...", "title=[distancies.jpg]"); run("Colors...", "foreground=black background=white selection=yellow"); setThreshold(50, 255); run("Make Binary", "thresholded remaining black"); run("Distance Map"); run("Invert"); // wait(1500); selectWindow("barretikama"+cas+".jpg"); setThreshold(250, 255); run("Create Selection"); run("Set Measurements...", " min limit display redirect=distancies.jpg decimal=3"); run("Measure"); lateralitat=getResult("Min"); selectWindow("distancies.jpg"); close(); } selectWindow("barretikama"+cas+".jpg"); run("Select None"); run("Duplicate...", "title=[distancies2.jpg]"); run("Colors...", "foreground=black background=white selection=yellow"); setThreshold(50, 254); run("Make Binary", "thresholded remaining black"); run("Distance Map"); run("Invert"); // wait(1500); selectWindow("barretikama"+cas+".jpg"); setThreshold(50, 254); run("Create Selection"); run("Set Measurements...", " min limit display redirect=distancies2.jpg decimal=3"); run("Measure"); antilateralitat=getResult("Max"); selectWindow("distancies2.jpg"); close(); selectWindow("barretikama"+cas+".jpg"); close(); // imprimeixo resultats a log window print(nom, cas+1, AreaBarret, DiamBarret, PerimBarret, XBarret, YBarret, AreaCama, XCama, YCama, DiamCama, PerimCama, lateralitat, antilateralitat ); cas=cas+1; } while (cas<numparticules); -------- // ***** BATCH PREPARA I MESURA BOLETS ***** macro "Batch Mesura bolets" { dir = getDirectory("Escull el directori a mesurar"); list = getFileList(dir); //setBatchMode(true); for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) { path = dir+list[i]; showProgress(i, list.length); if (!endsWith(path,"/")) open(path); if (nImages>=1) { run("Run...", "run=[C:\\Program Files\\ImageJ\\macros\\XOP_MesuraBolets.txt]"); } wait(500); selectWindow(list[i]); close(); } } } |
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