bioformats and olympus oib

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bioformats and olympus oib

Aryeh Weiss
We are using the bioformats package to open Olympus OIB and OIF files.
Both of these can be opened by the bioformats package.

However, the OIB files open with the sequence of images scrambled in a way that
I cannot decifer. It is not just a matter of deinterleaving the stack.
The OIF files open ok -- they do not open properly into separate channels, but
if they are opened into one big stack, they can be deinterleaved to produce
stacks in the correct order for each channel.

The interesting thing is that the same problem occurs in Image Pro Plus, which
suggests that maybe something in the Olympus format changed. However, the
Olympus FV viewer software opens the files correctly

Any suggestions on this matter would be most welcome.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: bioformats and olympus oib

Hi Aryeh,

It would be useful to obtain some sample data from you demonstrating
this issue, so that we can work on a bug fix. We would use the data
for internal development purposes only. If you need somewhere to
transfer the files, you can upload to our FTP server (I will send
login details in a separate email).


On 10/18/06, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:

> We are using the bioformats package to open Olympus OIB and OIF files.
> Both of these can be opened by the bioformats package.
> However, the OIB files open with the sequence of images scrambled in a way that
> I cannot decifer. It is not just a matter of deinterleaving the stack.
> The OIF files open ok -- they do not open properly into separate channels, but
> if they are opened into one big stack, they can be deinterleaved to produce
> stacks in the correct order for each channel.
> The interesting thing is that the same problem occurs in Image Pro Plus, which
> suggests that maybe something in the Olympus format changed. However, the
> Olympus FV viewer software opens the files correctly
> Any suggestions on this matter would be most welcome.
> Thanks in advance.
> --aryeh
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