bit depth of analyze images

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bit depth of analyze images

Tony Shepherd
Can anyone shed any light on this?..

I have an analyze format image which is 16bit.
I use the AnalyzeReader/Writer plugins to read the image into a stack, then
save the stack back out as an img file. I don't change anything except the

There is a difference between the pixel values in the old and new images.
For example,

one pixel in the OLD image says:
1196.00 (33964),
and so using the getPixelValue() method at this location returns 33964.00

THE SAME pixel in the NEW image says:
-33964.00 (1196),
and using the getPixelValue() method at this location returns 1196.00

Does anyone know what has changed and why (all I did was open and re-save
the image)

Many thanks,
