Hi Michael,
There was a bug in Image5D with the Z slider that we fixed recently. Are you
using the latest version of Image5D, v1.2.2? You can download it here:
http://imagejdev.org/plugins/image5dLet us know if it still doesn't work for you.
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Cammer, Michael <
[hidden email]
> wrote:
> I am using LOCI to open old BioRad ZT stacks using the Image5D mode. LOCI
> correctly shows Z=7, C=3 and T=40 and all the images open. If I use Image
> > Stacks > Set Slice... I can show any slice. However, the slider for Z
> does not respond and using "<" and ">" to move through the stack only
> selects odd numbered slices.
> The second issue is, does anybody know how to export these data to be
> opened in Imarus?
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Michael
> ________________________________________________________
> Michael Cammer, Assistant Research Scientist
> Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine
> Lab: (212) 263-3208 Cell: (914) 309-3270
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