On Jun 5, 2014, at 5:13 PM, Neil Fazel wrote:
> I have a 32-bit text image which I have normalized. (I found the maximum pixel value in the image, then divided all pixels in the image by that value.) Then I used Analyze -> Tools -> Calibration Bar... to overlay a calibration bar. I see that the top range of the calibration bar values is not 1, as expected; it's 0.48. The image is normalized; so the brightest pixel's value should be 1. Am I doing something wrong?
Please provide a minimal macro that reproduces the problem, something like the following, except this example works as expected.
run("M51 Galaxy (177K, 16-bits)");
run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=1 normalize");
run("Calibration Bar...", "location=[Upper Right] fill=Black label=White number=5 decimal=1 font=12 zoom=1 bold overlay");
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