Answering my own question (thanks cedric for the tip):
two different config files are created
one normal to use common plugins
one with the -Dplugins.dir=... options to use personal plugins directory
if the personal plugins directory exist then copy personal.cfg as
imagej.cfg else copy normal.cfg as imagej.cfg
here the dos version (example with c:\plugins as personal plugins directory):
IF EXIST C:\plugins GOTO plugperso
IF NOT EXIST C:\plugins GOTO plugcommon
GOTO end
echo plugins perso
copy /Y "c:\program Files\ImageJ\perso.cfg" "c:\program
goto end
echo plugins common
copy /Y "c:\program Files\ImageJ\common.cfg" "c:\program
goto end
"c:\Program Files\ImageJ\Imagej.exe"
maybe not the most elegant batch file but it works.
Thomas Boudier, MCU Université Pierre et Marie Curie
UMR 7101 / IFR 83. Bat A 328, Campus Jussieu
Tél : 01 44 27 35 78 Fax : 01 44 27 25 08