I am new in ImageJ. I have the following two problem related to classpath
and database.
(1) Classpath problem:
I am trying to call jasper-reports from some of the applications available
in the ImageJ plug-ins (such as Colocalization ...).
To run jasper-reports, say "import
net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer;" need to get the class.
The same is working for the non-ImageJ Java application and the
CLASSPATH is there in the environment variable as:
.... (etc)
I tried in different ways: putting those .jar file into the plug-in folder
of ImageJ - it did not work.
So, how to make the classpath (and classes) working for ImageJ - please let
me know.
(2) Database accessing problem:
I am trying to write some data to a MS Access database from some application
of ImageJ in the plug-ins.
The same code is working from (non-ImageJ) java application - but it is not
working from ImageJ - neither it is showing any error from ImageJ.
Any reason why it is not working or how to fix it - please let me know.
Below is the code-snipped if needed:
import java.sql.*;
Connection jdbcConnection =
Statement st = jdbcConnection.createStatement();
String ssql;
ssql = "update ColocalizationParam set Rr= " + r_new + ", R=" +
overlapC_new + ", M1 = " + M1p + ", M2 = " + M2q + ", ICQ = " + ICQ_new;
catch (Exception ex)
String connectMsg = " Could not bring the report" + ex.getMessage()
+ " " + ex.getLocalizedMessage();
Many thanks.