Hi Jan,
If you use Fiji, you find this option implemented in
Image/Hyperstacks/Temporal-Color Code
which works on xyz or xyt stacks too
you get the color projection directly, and can choose the projecting
interval, as well as some LUT choices,
and (last but not least) a color code bar for the depth (or time).
Hope this helps
On 23 September 2008 10:19, Jan Eglinger <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> is there an easy way (or a plugin) to color-code z-projections of a stack?
> I'm looking for a similar feature like Depth-Cueing in the "3D Project"
> dialog, but to assign different colors (instead of intiensities) to the
> slices of a (gray) stack before projecting it.
> Did anybody do this before?
> Thanks,
> jan
> --
> Jan Eglinger
> PhD Student, Eckhard Lammert group
> Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
> Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
> 01307 Dresden
> Germany
Julien Colombelli
Advanced Digital Microscopy
Institute for Research in Biomedicine - IRB Barcelona
Baldiri Reixac, 10
Tel: +349340-20451
Fax: +34934031116
E-08028 Barcelona - Spain
[hidden email]