colour bug?

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colour bug?

Mike A
Hi folks,

I am using imageJ v1.45e11

I am opening a two channel 2D stack (x,y) stack with LOCI bioformats and colour mode set to “composite”.  If I save this as .tif I get a 16bit RGB image.  great !

However,  If i do image > colour > split channels, and save one of the channels as .tif, it comes out in greyscale in photoshop.

Importantly, if I open my stack with LOCI with colour mode set to “default” and the split channels function checked my channels split and appear greyscale.  If i use image > colour > merge channels and select a single one of my split channels in red and “none” for the other channels with “create composite” checked nothing happens.  Basically it is not possible to save a single channel in my stack in 16bit colour.  Is this a bug?

I presumed that I could use the merge channels option to place the channel that im interested in, in lets say, the red channel, and select none for blue/green/grey with create composite checked, to output a 16bit RGB colour file in which the channel im interested in appeared red, and blue/green were present in the 16bit rgb image but just contained zeros/no data, thus allowing me to save the channel im interested in in 16bit colour.

