compile and run...

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compile and run...

Ben Liu-3
 Hi there,
I downloaded a Windows version IJ bundled with Java 1.5.0_09 at:

But, when I use "Compile and run...", it says: This JVM does not include the javac compiler. Javac is included with the Windows, OS X and Linus versions of ImageJ."

The problem is that the one I downloaded IS a WINDOWS version.

What's going on?


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Re: compile and run...


On Mon, 22 Jan 2007, Ben Liu wrote:

> I downloaded a Windows version IJ bundled with Java 1.5.0_09 at:
> But, when I use "Compile and run...", it says: This JVM does not include
> the javac compiler. Javac is included with the Windows, OS X and Linus
> versions of ImageJ."
> The problem is that the one I downloaded IS a WINDOWS version.

My best guess: you have _another_ Java installation on your computer, and
that does _not_ include the full JDK, but only JRE.

What does Help>About ImageJ say?

And could you please try this macro:

-- snip --
write(call("java.lang.System.getProperty", "java.home"));
-- snap --

(Select Plugins>New..., say okay, paste the line shown above, and the run
Macros>Run Macro.)
