I need to measure routinely line-segement length for 100's to
1000's of features on a set of images. Rather than generate a huge
column of lengths (or many small, one-column files) I would like to
be able to write length data to columns, side by side, in the
measurement results window. Is there a way to set this up? I tried to
find information about this in the docs on line but failed. Probably
I just didn't know where to look. Thanks for your help,
_ ____ __ ____
/ \ / / \ / \ \ Tobias I. Baskin
/ / / / \ \ \ Biology Department
/_ / __ /__ \ \ \__ 611 N. Pleasant St.
/ / / \ \ \ University of Massachusetts
/ / / \ \ \ Amherst, MA, 01003
/ / ___ / \ \__/ \ ____
Voice: 413 - 545 - 1533 Fax: 413 - 545 - 3243