Dear All,
I have been trying to use Image J for some times to analyse field data. I
am working on debris avalanche deposits, and I would like to have a good
estimation on roundness/angularity and to do some grain size distribution.
However, it seems that the nature of the deposit is not suitable for image
J because of heterogeneities.
I attached on thin section picture as example. I have been trying to change
color, contrast, thereshold etc, (both in photoshop and imageJ) but nothing
seems to give good result. Could you please let me know if such images are
indeed suitable or not?
I started to draw the contour of each clast by hand but it is time
consuming and definitely not objective.
Thanks for your help and advices!
Audr*a*y Delcamp
Post Doc Researcher
Department of Geography
Faculty of Sciences
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F - Room 8F14
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussel
Phone: +32-2-629 33 92
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