did anyone implement a 3D watershed?

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did anyone implement a 3D watershed?

Albert Cardona
I would appreciate some pointers to source and web pages relating to 3D
watershed plugins or java implementations.

What I want to do: segment nuclei from a confocal stack.

Thank you for any hints.


Albert Cardona
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Re: did anyone implement a 3D watershed?

Thomas Boudier
Hi Albert,

I have updated my 3D filters plugins which includes 3D watershed :  


> I would appreciate some pointers to source and web pages relating to
> 3D watershed plugins or java implementations.
> What I want to do: segment nuclei from a confocal stack.
> Thank you for any hints.
> Albert

 Thomas Boudier, MCU Université Pierre et Marie Curie
 UMR 7101 / IFR 83. Bat A 328, Campus Jussieu
 Tél : 01 44 27 35 78  Fax : 01 44 27 25 08

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Re: did anyone implement a 3D watershed?

Albert Cardona
Hi Thomas,

I run the 3D watershed on an 8-bit stack and I get:

- a copy of the stack
- the message: "Command 005-random not found"
- the original stack is left locked.

I opened the source code and I found that, within the run method, an
IJ.run call is issued for the "005-random" command. Which plugin
implements this functionality?

Also, a general recommendation: your plugins are not thread safe. Such
IJ.run call assumes that the WindowManager will have, as the currently
active image, the copy of the stack that you just created and opened,
which can easily not be the case. I suggest you use the ImagePlus
pointer directly to pass to the 005-random.


Albert Cardona
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Re: did anyone implement a 3D watershed?

Thomas Boudier

The "005-random" refers to a lut that is distributed in new versions of
imageJ. I have removed this colouring of the result so the plugin should
not lock the image.


> Hi Thomas,
> I run the 3D watershed on an 8-bit stack and I get:
> - a copy of the stack
> - the message: "Command 005-random not found"
> - the original stack is left locked.
> I opened the source code and I found that, within the run method, an
> IJ.run call is issued for the "005-random" command. Which plugin
> implements this functionality?
> Also, a general recommendation: your plugins are not thread safe. Such
> IJ.run call assumes that the WindowManager will have, as the currently
> active image, the copy of the stack that you just created and opened,
> which can easily not be the case. I suggest you use the ImagePlus
> pointer directly to pass to the 005-random.
> Albert

 Thomas Boudier, MCU Université Pierre et Marie Curie
 UMR 7101 / IFR 83. Bat A 328, Campus Jussieu
 Tél : 01 44 27 35 78  Fax : 01 44 27 25 08

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Even more dynamic profiler?

Joachim Wesner
Hi List,

I just tried the dynamic profiler plugin and like it a lot. However, I
would wish that it also updates its contents, when the underlying window
(the one with the ROI it "listens" to) is redrawn (updateAndDraw() etc),
because I would like to have a profile plot of another "dynamic" window
that changes its contents.

I would add this to the existing plugin source code myself, but I do not
yet understand enough about the inner workings of ImageJ and/or Java
to do it. Any hints? Any Chance to "hook" into some event that occurs with
the redraw?


Joachim Wesner

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Re: Even more dynamic profiler?

Michael Schmid
Hi Joachim,

yes, I have a version that includes the ImageListener interface.
When hooked to an image, it updates the plot on changes to the
image. E.g., if preview of a filter is active, you can see how
the filter parameters would change the linescan.

I still have to do some checks and polishing of the code (which
is on a different computer than the one I am currently using),
but for the meanwhile I can put the class file online:


If you find any errors or have trouble with it, let me know.


On 19 Nov 2007, at 13:25, Joachim Wesner wrote:

> Hi List,
> I just tried the dynamic profiler plugin and like it a lot. However, I
> would wish that it also updates its contents, when the underlying  
> window
> (the one with the ROI it "listens" to) is redrawn (updateAndDraw()  
> etc),
> because I would like to have a profile plot of another "dynamic"  
> window
> that changes its contents.
> I would add this to the existing plugin source code myself, but I  
> do not
> yet understand enough about the inner workings of ImageJ and/or Java
> to do it. Any hints? Any Chance to "hook" into some event that  
> occurs with
> the redraw?
> Sincerely
> Joachim Wesner
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