draw on a selected time of a sequence (macro)

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draw on a selected time of a sequence (macro)

I have a basic question about drawing on a T sequence.

For each time, I would like to draw an arrow.
Arrows are different from time.

Now, I have a macro with this code :

call("fiji.util.ArrowTool.select", a, begx, begy, endx, endy, f, g);

But it ask me if I want to draw on only the current step or all time step.

How can I do ?
Thank you for your help,


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Re: draw on a selected time of a sequence (macro)

Romain Guiet
Hi Marie-Laure,

I'm not sure of what you are looking for but did you try the functions :
run("Draw", "stack");
run("Draw", "slice");

Hope it will help you ...



Dr. Romain Guiet
Bioimaging and Optics Platform (PT-BIOP)
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Faculty of Life Sciences
Station 19, AI 0140
CH-1015 Lausanne

Phone: [+4121 69] 39629

De : ImageJ Interest Group [[hidden email]] de la part de SUBSCRIBE IMAGEJ Marie-Laure B [[hidden email]]
Envoyé : mercredi 18 mars 2015 13:37
À : [hidden email]
Objet : draw on a selected time of a sequence (macro)

I have a basic question about drawing on a T sequence.

For each time, I would like to draw an arrow.
Arrows are different from time.

Now, I have a macro with this code :

call("fiji.util.ArrowTool.select", a, begx, begy, endx, endy, f, g);

But it ask me if I want to draw on only the current step or all time step.

How can I do ?
Thank you for your help,


ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html