feature extraction: SIFT-algorithm and its source code

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feature extraction: SIFT-algorithm and its source code

Michael Alex
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,
because of my enquiries in  imagej respectively Fiji I found the
SIFT-algorithm (feature extraction)  for determination and extraction of
features in images.  
Respect for your helpful and meaningful software - you have done a very good
invention. I compared some images with that great plugin, it works well.  
But there is a problem and I would be very thankful for your support.
I cannot found the complete and up-to-date source-code.
I extracted the source-code both from fiji-plugin and GitHub and installed it
in eclipse for my diploma-thesis.
I found out, that the pop up-window of the Github-source code in comparison
to the plugin (feature extraction, SIFT) is different.
Additionally I  cant found the filter by geometric consensus and the
selection  "Translation, rigid, similarity, affine, perspective".
The filter seems to be very important for correct extraction and I want to
work with. But there is no source-code (java-file) for that. The geometric consensus filter
leads to a precise matrix of translation, rotation, scaling,..... Thats what I need.
Maybe the source code is a antiquated version? Also there are inliers in
green dots and candidates in red dots shown in a added window.
The fiji-plugin doesnot do that.
Do you have the freshest (and complete) source-code and would you be so
pleasant to send me the source code or the up-to-date link (e.g. for GitHub) with
the updated files?
Which versions of libraries should I use  (jama, imagescience, sift_align)?
Maybe there are also maven-dependencies I could install. I didnt found them
in "maven central repository".
I would be obliged if you can support me.
Thank you very much, have a nice day,
Best regards,
Michael Alex  

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
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Re: feature extraction: SIFT-algorithm and its source code

Nicolas Chiaruttini
To be sure, where have you looked ? Did you check this : https://imagej.net/Feature_Extraction and this : https://github.com/axtimwalde/mpicbg/ ?



Nicolas Chiaruttini, PhD
Aurélien Roux lab,
Biochemistry Department
University of Geneva, Science II
30 quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0) 22 379 36 48<tel:%2B41%20%280%29%2022%20379%2036%2048>
Personal website: http://kiaru.eu/
De : ImageJ Interest Group <[hidden email]> de la part de Michael Alex <[hidden email]>
Envoyé : dimanche, 13 août 2017 16:54:09
À : [hidden email]
Objet : feature extraction: SIFT-algorithm and its source code

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,

because of my enquiries in  imagej respectively Fiji I found the
SIFT-algorithm (feature extraction)  for determination and extraction of
features in images.
Respect for your helpful and meaningful software - you have done a very good
invention. I compared some images with that great plugin, it works well.

But there is a problem and I would be very thankful for your support.
I cannot found the complete and up-to-date source-code.
I extracted the source-code both from fiji-plugin and GitHub and installed it
in eclipse for my diploma-thesis.
I found out, that the pop up-window of the Github-source code in comparison
to the plugin (feature extraction, SIFT) is different.
Additionally I  cant found the filter by geometric consensus and the
selection  "Translation, rigid, similarity, affine, perspective".
The filter seems to be very important for correct extraction and I want to
work with. But there is no source-code (java-file) for that. The geometric consensus filter
leads to a precise matrix of translation, rotation, scaling,..... Thats what I need.

Maybe the source code is a antiquated version? Also there are inliers in
green dots and candidates in red dots shown in a added window.
The fiji-plugin doesnot do that.

Do you have the freshest (and complete) source-code and would you be so
pleasant to send me the source code or the up-to-date link (e.g. for GitHub) with
the updated files?

Which versions of libraries should I use  (jama, imagescience, sift_align)?
Maybe there are also maven-dependencies I could install. I didnt found them
in "maven central repository".

I would be obliged if you can support me.
Thank you very much, have a nice day,
Best regards,

Michael Alex

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
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Re: feature extraction: SIFT-algorithm and its source code

In reply to this post by Michael Alex
Hi, the SIFT feature extraction depends on some libraries, most importantly mpicbg as pointed out. An easy way to get all dependencies is to clone the sift plugin from GitHub as you did, and then import it as "existing Maven project" in eclipse.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 13, 2017, at 17:09, Michael Alex <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,
> because of my enquiries in  imagej respectively Fiji I found the
> SIFT-algorithm (feature extraction)  for determination and extraction of
> features in images.  
> Respect for your helpful and meaningful software - you have done a very good
> invention. I compared some images with that great plugin, it works well.  
> But there is a problem and I would be very thankful for your support.
> I cannot found the complete and up-to-date source-code.
> I extracted the source-code both from fiji-plugin and GitHub and installed it
> in eclipse for my diploma-thesis.
> I found out, that the pop up-window of the Github-source code in comparison
> to the plugin (feature extraction, SIFT) is different.
> Additionally I  cant found the filter by geometric consensus and the
> selection  "Translation, rigid, similarity, affine, perspective".
> The filter seems to be very important for correct extraction and I want to
> work with. But there is no source-code (java-file) for that. The geometric consensus filter
> leads to a precise matrix of translation, rotation, scaling,..... Thats what I need.
> Maybe the source code is a antiquated version? Also there are inliers in
> green dots and candidates in red dots shown in a added window.
> The fiji-plugin doesnot do that.
> Do you have the freshest (and complete) source-code and would you be so
> pleasant to send me the source code or the up-to-date link (e.g. for GitHub) with
> the updated files?
> Which versions of libraries should I use  (jama, imagescience, sift_align)?
> Maybe there are also maven-dependencies I could install. I didnt found them
> in "maven central repository".
> I would be obliged if you can support me.
> Thank you very much, have a nice day,
> Best regards,
> Michael Alex  
> (engineering-student)
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html