feature extraction - SIFT algorithm

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feature extraction - SIFT algorithm

Michael Alex
I have encountered a problem using the SIFT algorithm and I was wondering whether anybody had a suggestion for a solution.

Very promising match-candidates, that passed the geometrical test, are called inliers. Inliers seems to be a list of point matches, that contains a pair of points per element (P1 and P2).

Every Point P contains an L-double array and an W -double array (called local and world).

I am really interested in the real (primary) coordinates x and y of the features in both images. Images, I work with, could be displaced (translated), scaled and displaced, rotated and displaced or a combination of them.

Thanks a lot for your support, have a nice day,
Best regards,

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
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Re: feature extraction - SIFT algorithm

Saalfeld, Stephan
That would be L.

On Tue, 2018-07-24 at 03:15 -0400, Michael Alex wrote:

> I have encountered a problem using the SIFT algorithm and I was
> wondering whether anybody had a suggestion for a solution.
> Very promising match-candidates, that passed the geometrical test,
> are called inliers. Inliers seems to be a list of point matches, that
> contains a pair of points per element (P1 and P2).
> Every Point P contains an L-double array and an W -double array
> (called local and world). 
> I am really interested in the real (primary) coordinates x and y of
> the features in both images. Images, I work with, could be displaced
> (translated), scaled and displaced, rotated and displaced or a
> combination of them. 
> Thanks a lot for your support, have a nice day, 
> Best regards, 
> Michael 
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

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