On Apr 14, 2008, at 8:52 AM, Michael Doube wrote:
> Hi all
> Just a fiddly little question: I want to get a menu into a macro
> dialog that lists units, mm, µm, nm, px. To get the µm, I have this
> code:
> var microns = fromCharCode(181,109);
> var units = newArray("mm", microns, "nm", "px");
> Then put into a dialog menu like this:
> Dialog.addChoice("Units: ", units);
> but instead of µm I get NaN in my menu.
> Any suggestions?
This problem is due to a bug in the newArray() macro function. This bug
is fixed in v1.40e, or you can work around it using
microns = fromCharCode(181,109);
units = newArray("mm", microns, "nm", "px");
units[1] = microns;