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Aman Goel

       I am looking for a image format converter from common formats
(e.g. jpg, bmp, png) to gif. I have to use it as part of an automatic
process, so I cannot use the gui. The documentation mentions GifEncoder
and its write method in the package. When I compiled the source, I
didn't see the class in the io package. I did find it in the plugin
package, but it doesn't have the write method. Also, it isn't public but
exists in the file in plugin folder.

       I am using the latest source Can I find this
class somewhere ? Has it been removed from the source ? Your suggestions ?

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Re: gifencoder

Wayne Rasband
>       I am looking for a image format converter from common formats
> (e.g. jpg, bmp, png) to gif. I have to use it as part of an automatic
> process, so I cannot use the gui. The documentation mentions
> GifEncoder and its write method in the package. When I compiled
> the source, I didn't see the class in the io package. I did find it in
> the plugin package, but it doesn't have the write method. Also, it
> isn't public but exists in the file in plugin folder.
>       I am using the latest source Can I find this
> class somewhere ? Has it been removed from the source ? Your
> suggestions ?

ImageJ uses the ij.plugin.GifWriter class to save images in GIF format
and stacks as animated GIFs. To save the current image or stack in GIF
format use IJ.saveAs("gif", path). The Batch Converter plugin
( saves a
folder of images in any format supported by ImageJ's File>Open command
in TIFF, 8-bit TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PGM, BMP, FITS, Text Image, ZIP or
Raw format.
