Dear all,
Thanks in advance for your time, I am a imagej beginner.
I am working with some RGB images, since I need to work with each
channel separately I have used the split channel function. The problem
is that I need to do some operation with each image separately, for this
I have used the Image calculator plus plugin but I don't know why I
hadn't have the result I expected.
The objective is to quantify changes in the contrast values of these
images to see if I can't distinguish a plume from the rest of the image.
Could you tell me please what I'm doing wrong?, and which are the
differences between simple image calculator DIVIDE plugin than image
calculator PLUS DIVIDE plugin, any suggestion will be very helpful!
This is what I have been doing
First I scale Red channel image (8 bits), I used Image calculator plus
plugin with the following settings
i1: Red image
i2: Red image
Operation: Scale: i2=i1 * k1 + k2
k1: 256
k2: 0
Then, I need to divide New Red image result and blue channel image so I
used simple Image calculator
Image 1: New red channel image
Operation: Divide
Image 2: Blue channel image
Also, I want to ask if do you recommend work with 8-bits instead 32-bits?
Thanks a lot
Mary Carmen