Hi Oliver,
using the newest version of ImageJ (1.40c), I have no problem
with x_min & x_max for 32-bit images.
For 16-bit images, the histogram includes all values (0-65535),
so it has all the information that you can have.
Unfortunately, the screen resolution does not show it, and
currently I see no easy way to show it from a macro (except
converting the image to 32 bit).
For the "Log" (logarithmic y axis) feature, use
before issuing the run("Histogram"...) command.
On 3 Apr 2008, at 17:06, Oliver Bannach wrote:
> Hi all,
> I included this command in a macro:
> run("Histogram", "bins=256 x_min=0 x_max=7500 y_max=Auto");
> But it seems like that the macro ignores fixing the min and max
> values for the X-Axis. Still, the min/max values are defined by the
> min/max intensities. What's wrong?
> Also I'd like to plot a "logged" histogram. What is the parameter
> that I have to set?
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers
> Oliver