ij.process.ImageConverter convertToRGB fails while debugging (only)

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ij.process.ImageConverter convertToRGB fails while debugging (only)

Casqueiro Gilles
Dear all,

While debugging my code, following lines raise an error :

        ImageConverter ImConv = new ImageConverter(imp);

Normal execution works fine.

The error message is : Thread main stopped at RGBStackConverter.java:18.

How can I fix this?

Thank you



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Re: ij.process.ImageConverter convertToRGB fails while debugging (only)

Peter Mc
Hi Gilles;
It sounds weird and there is not much information, what are you using for debugging?

Maybe the kind of conversion is not supported by the ImageConverter, have you tried with another image?
I did a quick check and what ImageJ uses is Converter (http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/developer/api/ij/plugin/Converter.html) so you can try this way too.



Casqueiro Gilles wrote
Dear all,

While debugging my code, following lines raise an error :

        ImageConverter ImConv = new ImageConverter(imp);

Normal execution works fine.

The error message is : Thread main stopped at RGBStackConverter.java:18.

How can I fix this?

Thank you



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Research engineer
HGGM. Madrid.