Hi Felix,
> Could somebody suggest some introductions/tutorials to ROI-handling in
> ImgLib2?
Unfortunately, there isn't much formal documentation beyond what you have
already found. One big reason is that ImgLib2 ROIs are still in need a
redesign. They were recently split into their own repository, imglib2-roi
[1], so that that code could remain in incubation status while the core
ImgLib2 library comes out of beta.
There is one tutorial example in the ImageJ tutorials:
https://github.com/imagej/imagej-tutorials/blob/master/add-rois/src/main/java/AddROIs.javaMaybe that helps you to get started using the current API, at least.
https://github.com/imglib/imglib2-roiOn Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 3:42 AM, MEYENHOFER Felix <
[hidden email]>
> Hello
> I am getting started on writing ImageJ2 plugins.
> Could somebody suggest some introductions/tutorials to ROI-handling in
> ImgLib2?
> I checked out the tutorials on github, and the documentation on the
> Fiji-Wiki. I also found the ROI-definition Paper from Tobias & Stephan, but
> frankly between the paper and the javadocs it’s hard for me to grasp how
> things are intended to work in the practical implementation.
> Further information about the topic would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Felix
> --
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