imglib2 & roi-handling

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imglib2 & roi-handling


I am getting started on writing ImageJ2 plugins.
Could somebody suggest some introductions/tutorials to ROI-handling in ImgLib2?
I checked out the tutorials on github, and the documentation on the Fiji-Wiki. I also found the ROI-definition Paper from Tobias & Stephan, but frankly between the paper and the javadocs it’s hard for me to grasp how things are intended to work in the practical implementation.
Further information about the topic would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Re: imglib2 & roi-handling

Hi Felix,

> Could somebody suggest some introductions/tutorials to ROI-handling in
> ImgLib2?

Unfortunately, there isn't much formal documentation beyond what you have
already found. One big reason is that ImgLib2 ROIs are still in need a
redesign. They were recently split into their own repository, imglib2-roi
[1], so that that code could remain in incubation status while the core
ImgLib2 library comes out of beta.

There is one tutorial example in the ImageJ tutorials:

Maybe that helps you to get started using the current API, at least.



On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 3:42 AM, MEYENHOFER Felix <[hidden email]>

> Hello
> I am getting started on writing ImageJ2 plugins.
> Could somebody suggest some introductions/tutorials to ROI-handling in
> ImgLib2?
> I checked out the tutorials on github, and the documentation on the
> Fiji-Wiki. I also found the ROI-definition Paper from Tobias & Stephan, but
> frankly between the paper and the javadocs it’s hard for me to grasp how
> things are intended to work in the practical implementation.
> Further information about the topic would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Felix
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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