importing ASCII data tables with mixed data types into ImageJ

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importing ASCII data tables with mixed data types into ImageJ


Java is rather new to me thus I hope I am not posting a silly question.
I work with an instrument that outputs small images of various
dimensions as well as single tab-delimited text file that mixes
numerics with string comments in separate fields.   The text file has
one row (or record) for each image produced.   For example, the
follwing list of image files would have the text file shown below.  
Note that the first 5 fields of each row are numerics but the last is a


0 333040205 2.8 49 41 big cell
1 333040215 4.2 16 19 bubble
2 333040287 1.1 36 39 two cells

I would like to develop a plugin that loads the text file into a
spreadsheet like window.  I would like the COMMENTS section to be
editable but keep the others not editable.  My question is regarding
how to model this kind of data within ImageJ.  I'm pretty sure I can't
simply read the data into an instance of ResultTable because that is
defined to work with columns of numeric data.  I also think that I
can't use TextReader because of the COMMENTS field- but I am less sure
of this. It seems like this must be a common enough task.   Right now,
I can open the file, read each line and split each line into is
constituent parts.   But how do I work this into ImageJ from here so
that the user can interact with the table?



Ben Tupper
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science
180 McKown Point Road
POB 475
West Boothbay Harbor, Me, 04575-0475