Do you want to get the raw R, G, and B images from a color camera that has a
mosaic (Bayer) filter? If so it is the camera that performs the
interpolation before it spits out the TIFF or JPEG image, it is not ImageJ
that interpolates. I too am curious to know if the RAW format leaves the
blank pixels at 0. If you're asking whether it's better to use a mosaic
camera vs. one that changes R, G, and B filters to use the full chip for
each color then the latter gives higher resolution but the former is faster.
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 9:09 AM, NADYA M. SPICE (RIT Student) <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm looking into the pros/cons of splitting the channels of white light
>> versus using specific R, G, B illuminators. An issue that I'm not sure how
>> to sort out is the fact that when splitting the channels of an image with
>> ImageJ, it interpolates between pixels to complete the image. Is there a
>> way
>> to make it not interpolate the pixels, and in fact leave these spaces
>> blank
>> where there is no actual information? Do you think it will be more
>> accurate
>> using RAW or .tif files than a jpeg (probably because jpegs are already
>> interpolated...)? Thoughts are appreciated.
>> Thank you!
>> --
>> Nadya Spice
>> Imaging Science Major
>> Rochester Institute of Technology 2014
>> Director of Finance
>> Delta Phi Epsilon
>> Beta Upsilon Chapter