is there a plugin to read .dat files from Tecnai TEM microscopes?

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is there a plugin to read .dat files from Tecnai TEM microscopes?

Albert Cardona
Dear all,

I wonder whether any specs exists on the .dat file format from Tecnai
microscopes, the EMMENU software. I get such files when acquiring a grid of
images (for a montage) with the Position->"Spotscan" method.

The file looks and feels like a byte dump of 16-bit grayscale
images, but just guessing.

I would appreciate if anyone has info to share. A plugin to read them, or at
least details in the byte offset and ordering would be great.

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Re: is there a plugin to read .dat files from Tecnai TEM microscopes?

Albert Cardona
After some trial and error I've figured it out. For the record, version 3.0 of
EMMENU saves .dat files as 16-bit signed, 2048x2048 pixels, and a 512 byte
offset, which the ImageJ Import->Raw command has no problem to open.
