kill a thread, macro, or plugin?

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kill a thread, macro, or plugin?

John Alexander-7
Is there a way to kill a rogue thread, macro, or plugin?  On occasion i
have one that gets caught in a loop or just runs too slow etc - and I
would like to just end it.
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Re: kill a thread, macro, or plugin?

Wayne Rasband
> Is there a way to kill a rogue thread, macro, or plugin?  On occasion i
> have one that gets caught in a loop or just runs too slow etc - and I
> would like to just end it.

Try pressing the Esc key. ImageJ aborts macros and plugins when they
run an ImageJ command and the Esc key has been pressed. Plugins that do
time-consuming processing should periodically call IJ.escapePressed()
and abort if it returns true. Built in filters, such as
Process>Filters>Median, do this.  There are examples at

