On Fri, 28 Nov 2008, Peter Oslanec wrote:
> I have this picture (
http://www.materialing.whian.net/files/upload/example.png) with layers
> (black and white). I would like to change colour of each layer: for example
> layer 1 could be colour X, layer 2 could be X+1 and so on. But I need to
> automate this process (maybe write some macro?). I have no programming
> skills and only limited free time,so I need somebody who will be so kind and
> guide me into writing macros (if there is no other way how to do it). Thanks
> in advance.
Try this (you need to create a new macro with Plugins>New>Macro and paste
this text):
-- snip --
w = getWidth(); // get dimensions
h = getHeight();
previousColor = -1; // color the previous line had
newColor = -1; // new color of current layer
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { // iterate over all lines
if (getPixel(0, y) != previousColor) { // if the color has changed,
previousColor = getPixel(0, y); // remember the color and
newColor = newColor + 1; // increment the new color
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) // assign new color to line
setPixel(x, y, newColor);
setMinAndMax(0, newColor); // adjust contrast
-- snap --