Can someone describe briefly how to get "live" image processing
running through ImageJ on a Windows or Linux environment? I'm
comfortable working with stills but I am not sure where to start with
live video.
Thanks for any pointers.
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Albert Cardona <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> 2010/9/27 Brian Pauw <
[hidden email]>:
>> Dear all,
>> For a demonstration of diffraction/scattering, I would like to show a live FFT of the camera input on my mac. When I choose "FFT" in ImageJ, however, only the then current image is transformed. Is there a method or plugin to make this process continuous?
> You could add an ImageListener to the ImagePlus of your live display
> window, so that it runs an FFT of that Image and puts it into the
> ImageProcessor of another image window. Can be done with a tiny
> script.
> Albert
> --