Hi, guys
I want my macro will do the fellowing:
1.import image sequence
2.set threshold.
3.open 3D viewer.
4. export as stl(binary)to somewhere.
but I can't record the last step.
I have found the method is
MeshExporter.saveAsSTL(<collection>meshGroup,int type)
I know the second parameter is binary. but how can I get the first
parameter?Can you guys help me figure out what's the first parameter?
Thanks a lot!
here is my macro:
run("Image Sequence...", "open=[C:\\Users\\microway\\Desktop\\blender&fuji sources\\00001.tif] number=150 starting=1 increment=1 scale=100 file=[] or=[] sort");
run("Properties...", "channels=1 slices=150 frames=1 unit=pixel pixel_width=1.0000 pixel_height=1.0000 voxel_depth=5 frame=[0 sec] origin=0,0");
setThreshold(2000, 4000);
run("Convert to Mask", " black");
run("3D Viewer");
call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.setCoordinateSystem", "false");
call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.add", "blender&fuji sources", "None", "blender&fuji sources", "50", "true", "true", "true", "2", "2");
//the line I want should go here. should be something like run("MeshExporter.saveAsSTL","....","binary");