macro language: how to get Duplicate work on the whole stack

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macro language: how to get Duplicate work on the whole stack

Nico Stuurman-2
Is there a way to have the


command in the macro language work on the whole stack (i.e., 'check'
the checkbox that is present in the user interface), rather than only
the current frame?  I know I can achieve this by looping through the
slices and copying them individually, but this ends up being much
slower than the duplicate command in the UI.


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Re: macro language: how to get Duplicate work on the whole stack

Nico, you should add the 'duplicate' keyword in the arguments string like this :

run("Duplicate...", "title=new_title duplicate");

Also, you can simply record any command with any options with the
macro recorder, and it will show you the syntax.


On 9/8/06, Nico Stuurman <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Is there a way to have the
> run("Duplicate...","new_title");
> command in the macro language work on the whole stack (i.e., 'check'
> the checkbox that is present in the user interface), rather than only
> the current frame?  I know I can achieve this by looping through the
> slices and copying them individually, but this ends up being much
> slower than the duplicate command in the UI.
> Thanks!
> Nico