macro with many stacks

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macro with many stacks

Dear all,

With some kindly help, I could open many sub-folder as many stacks now,
but I could not go further, I want analysis all the stacks and save the

Please see the code:

input = getDirectory("choose the input directory");
output = getDirectory("choose the output directory");

listdir = getFileList( input );
for (i = 0; i < listdir.length; i++) {
        path = input + listdir[i];
        if ( File.isDirectory(  path  )  ) {
                run("Image Sequence...", "open=" + path + " sort");
run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35");
run("Apply LUT", "stack");
setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark");
setThreshold(60, 255);
run("wrMTrck ", "minsize=50 maxsize=10000 maxvelocity=300 maxareachange=100
mintracklength=0 bendthreshold=0 binsize=0 saveresultsfile showpathlengths
showlabels showpositions showpaths showsummary roundcoord smoothing
plotbendtrack rawdata=1 benddetect=0 fps=0 backsub=0 threshmode=Otsu
fontsize=50 * save=[" + output + file + "]")*

Between the double dotline, is what I want to deal with my stacks,
however, I could only analysis the last stacks, and could not save the
analysis .txt data.

would you please help me ?
I have a lot of stacks, more than hunders, I need macro to save me.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards.


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Re: macro with many stacks

Well Duerna,

you must put the processing steps in the loop, i.e. *after*

  run("Image Sequence...", "open=" + path + " sort");

and I would strongly recommend to close each stack after its processing.

Because I have no experience with

  run("wrMTrck ", ...

I can't help you with the processing itself.

Good luck


Am 11.11.17 um 14:42 schrieb duerna:

> Dear all,
> With some kindly help, I could open many sub-folder as many stacks now,
> but I could not go further, I want analysis all the stacks and save the
> result.
> Please see the code:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> input = getDirectory("choose the input directory");
> output = getDirectory("choose the output directory");
> listdir = getFileList( input );
> for (i = 0; i < listdir.length; i++) {
>          path = input + listdir[i];
>          if ( File.isDirectory(  path  )  ) {
>                  run("Image Sequence...", "open=" + path + " sort");
>          }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35");
> run("Apply LUT", "stack");
> setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark");
> setThreshold(60, 255);
> run("wrMTrck ", "minsize=50 maxsize=10000 maxvelocity=300 maxareachange=100
> mintracklength=0 bendthreshold=0 binsize=0 saveresultsfile showpathlengths
> showlabels showpositions showpaths showsummary roundcoord smoothing
> plotbendtrack rawdata=1 benddetect=0 fps=0 backsub=0 threshmode=Otsu
> fontsize=50 * save=[" + output + file + "]")*
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Between the double dotline, is what I want to deal with my stacks,
> however, I could only analysis the last stacks, and could not save the
> analysis .txt data.
> would you please help me ?
> I have a lot of stacks, more than hunders, I need macro to save me.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards.
> Duerna
> --
> Sent from:
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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Re: macro with many stacks

Hi Herbie,
thank you again.

I am a self-learning code beginner,
just for my data analysis.
Please forgive me if I made funny mistakes.

As you said,
"put the processing steps in the loop",
I think now I understand why only the last stack was analysis before, thank

If you please help me to see the follwing modified code, that will greatly
help me again.

 input = getDirectory("choose the input directory");

> output = getDirectory("choose the output directory");
> listdir = getFileList( input );
> for (i = 0; i < listdir.length; i++) {
>          path = input + listdir[i];
>          if ( File.isDirectory(  path  )  ) {
>                  run("Image Sequence...", "open=" + path + " sort");  
> run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35");
> run("Apply LUT", "stack");
> setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark");
> setThreshold(60, 255);
*> run("wrMTrck ", "minsize=50 maxsize=10000 maxvelocity=300
> mintracklength=0 bendthreshold=0 binsize=0 saveresultsfile showpathlengths
> showlabels showpositions showpaths showsummary roundcoord smoothing
> plotbendtrack rawdata=1 benddetect=0 fps=0 backsub=0 threshmode=Otsu
> fontsize=50 * save=[" + output + file + "]")*
>          }
> }


 input = getDirectory("choose the input directory");

> output = getDirectory("choose the output directory");
> listdir = getFileList( input );
> for (i = 0; i < listdir.length; i++) {
>          path = input + listdir[i];
>          if ( File.isDirectory(  path  )  ) {
>                  run("Image Sequence...", "open=" + path + " sort");  
> run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35");
> run("Apply LUT", "stack");
> setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark");
> setThreshold(60, 255);
*>  run("AVI... ", "compression=None frame=1.96 save=[" + output + file +
>          }
> }

I write this two codes, in case the upper one can not save the data,
if the upper one do not work, then I need save each stacks into AVI.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards.

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Re: macro with many stacks


you should try to make it work like in the first example.

If you want to save the stacks for whatever reason, simply save them in
TIF-format, i.e. as if they would be images.

And please use "close()", not run("Close"), and don't forget the
semicolons at the end of each code line.

Please consult the page


that lists all macro functions with comments and try to learn how to
code macros according to:




Am 11.11.17 um 15:13 schrieb duerna:

> Hi Herbie,
> thank you again.
> I am a self-learning code beginner,
> just for my data analysis.
> Please forgive me if I made funny mistakes.
> As you said,
> "put the processing steps in the loop",
> I think now I understand why only the last stack was analysis before, thank
> you.
> If you please help me to see the follwing modified code, that will greatly
> help me again.
>   input = getDirectory("choose the input directory");
>> output = getDirectory("choose the output directory");
>> listdir = getFileList( input );
>> for (i = 0; i < listdir.length; i++) {
>>           path = input + listdir[i];
>>           if ( File.isDirectory(  path  )  ) {
>>                   run("Image Sequence...", "open=" + path + " sort");
>> run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35");
>> run("Apply LUT", "stack");
>> setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark");
>> setThreshold(60, 255);
> *> run("wrMTrck ", "minsize=50 maxsize=10000 maxvelocity=300
> maxareachange=100
>> mintracklength=0 bendthreshold=0 binsize=0 saveresultsfile showpathlengths
>> showlabels showpositions showpaths showsummary roundcoord smoothing
>> plotbendtrack rawdata=1 benddetect=0 fps=0 backsub=0 threshmode=Otsu
>> fontsize=50 * save=[" + output + file + "]")*
> run("Close")
>>           }
>> }
> or
>   input = getDirectory("choose the input directory");
>> output = getDirectory("choose the output directory");
>> listdir = getFileList( input );
>> for (i = 0; i < listdir.length; i++) {
>>           path = input + listdir[i];
>>           if ( File.isDirectory(  path  )  ) {
>>                   run("Image Sequence...", "open=" + path + " sort");
>> run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35");
>> run("Apply LUT", "stack");
>> setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark");
>> setThreshold(60, 255);
> *>  run("AVI... ", "compression=None frame=1.96 save=[" + output + file +
> "]")*
> run("Close")
> run("Close")
>>           }
>> }
> I write this two codes, in case the upper one can not save the data,
> if the upper one do not work, then I need save each stacks into AVI.
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Best Regards.
> Duerna
> --
> Sent from:
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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Re: macro with many stacks

This post was updated on .
Dear Herbie,

Received your reply with thanks.
I will read the links you sent to me then try modify my code again,
or again and again.

Thank you for your time and help,
all ways best regards.


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