On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 6:45 PM, kurt_ <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> ideally all of these large mosaics would be registered/aligned in the z-direction.
You may not need to worry about this. The Z movement precision will
likely be fine if the images were collected with a piezo or linear
encoded Z device.
> Is there a plugin created with this structure of data in mind?
Yes, use the Grid/Collection stitching plugin
http://fly.mpi-cbg.de/~preibisch/). In FIJI this is under Plugins >
Stitching > Grid/Collection
Since each slice of the x-y positions are stored in a separate folders
you may need probably to move (and possibly rename) all the images
into a single folder, but perhaps you might not need to do that and
could set the "File names for tiles" to include the stack folder name
when running the plugin.
If you have a lot of data you could run the write a small macro to
call the plugin. The recorder is useful to see which variables you
need to override
http://fiji.sc/Introduction_into_Macro_Programming#The_recorderTo stitch the first plane without a macro, for file names you could
use "my folder name {ii}/layer_001". If you write a macro you could
use a variable for the layer number.
> Kurt
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