makeSelection() error with decimal numbers

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makeSelection() error with decimal numbers

Jochen Reichel
Hallo everyone,

I am writing an imageJ macro. I want to recreate a hand-drawn straight
line selection, that can easily contain not integer coordinates, as can
be seen from this code (if the selection was done at high
magnification/zoomed in):

When trying to create a selection that contains only integers,
everything is fine. But when I try to create a selection that also
contains coordinates with decimal numbers with the following code, I get
an error:
newImage("Untitled", "8-bit black", 512, 512, 1);
xCoords1 = newArray(200, 400);
yCoords1 = newArray(200, 400);
xCoords2 = newArray(200.5, 400);             //<- this .5 causes the
error lateron
yCoords2 = newArray(200, 400);
makeSelection(5, xCoords1, yCoords1);        //5 stands for "straight line"
print("everthing fine");
makeSelection(5, xCoords2, yCoords2);

The error message is the following:
ImageJ 1.50a; Java 1.6.0_20 [64-bit]; Windows 7 6.1; 55MB of 8192MB (<1%)

     at ij.macro.Functions.makeSelection(
     at ij.macro.Functions.doFunction(
     at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement(
     at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatements(

Is this a bug, that the coordinates of a selection can have decimal
numbers when drawn by hand but not when done programmatically? Or am I
missing something here?

I have got a second question: Is there a tool/plugin/macro to easily
measure the width of some long "worm-like" structure along its way?

Thank you in advance for any help,
Jochen (PhD student)

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Re: makeSelection() error with decimal numbers

Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E]
On Jul 27, 2015, at 2:04 PM, Jochen Reichel <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hallo everyone,
> I am writing an imageJ macro. I want to recreate a hand-drawn straight line selection, that can easily contain not integer coordinates, as can be seen from this code (if the selection was done at high magnification/zoomed in):
> ---------------------
> Roi.getCoordinates(x,y);
> Array.print(x);
> Array.print(y);
> ---------------------
> When trying to create a selection that contains only integers, everything is fine. But when I try to create a selection that also contains coordinates with decimal numbers with the following code, I get an error:

This bug is fixed in the latest ImageJ daily build (1.50b3).


> ---------------------
> newImage("Untitled", "8-bit black", 512, 512, 1);
> xCoords1 = newArray(200, 400);
> yCoords1 = newArray(200, 400);
> xCoords2 = newArray(200.5, 400);             //<- this .5 causes the error lateron
> yCoords2 = newArray(200, 400);
> makeSelection(5, xCoords1, yCoords1);        //5 stands for "straight line"
> print("everthing fine");
> wait(2000);
> makeSelection(5, xCoords2, yCoords2);
> ---------------------
> The error message is the following:
> #####################
> ImageJ 1.50a; Java 1.6.0_20 [64-bit]; Windows 7 6.1; 55MB of 8192MB (<1%)
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>    at ij.macro.Functions.makeSelection(
>    at ij.macro.Functions.doFunction(
>    at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement(
>    at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatements(
>    at
>    at
>    at
>    at
> ######################
> Is this a bug, that the coordinates of a selection can have decimal numbers when drawn by hand but not when done programmatically? Or am I missing something here?
> I have got a second question: Is there a tool/plugin/macro to easily measure the width of some long "worm-like" structure along its way?
> Thank you in advance for any help,
> Jochen (PhD student)

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Re: makeSelection() error with decimal numbers

Jochen Reichel
Am 27.07.2015 20:52, schrieb Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E]:
> This bug is fixed in the latest ImageJ daily build (1.50b3).
> -wayne

Thank you very much for the amazingly quick fix! It works fine now.

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