Hi Peter. ImageJ has a preference file that you can delete to restore
default behavior.
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/docs/guide/146-13.htmlImageJ preferences are automatically saved in a preferences file, the
IJ_prefs.txt text file. This file is stored in ~/Library/Preferences/ on
Mac OS X and in ~/.imagej/ on Linux and Windows (with ~ referring to the
user's home directory). Several macros and plugins also write parameters to
this file. If theIJ_prefs.txt is erased using Edit▷Options▷Reset…↓
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/docs/guide/146-27.html#sub:ResetOptions>, ImageJ
will create a new one the next time it is opened resetting all parameters
to their default values.
Best Regards,
John Minter
On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 4:34 AM, Peter Paul Arlinghaus <
[hidden email]
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> if I open an .avi with "use virtual stacks" a window opens with the video.
> I did this yesterday and the window had normal size, as usual.
> But when I tried to open the same video today, the window is very small.
> And I can't change it's size. What happened ? And how can I fix this ?
> I already reinstalled imagej. But the same problem occures.
> Thanks for your help,
> Peter
> --
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