masking of image using another black and white image

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masking of image using another black and white image

Dear ImageJ users,

I want to do simple masking and then subtract (or may be blacken) certain parts of an image using a black and white masking image . both original and masking images have the same size but the masking image describe the areas I need for working on my main picture.

I don't know which commands I can use with imageJ since I want to do them using java codes.

Thanks for any hint,
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Re: masking of image using another black and white image

Hi Lucky Luke ;-)

Potentially, you might want to use the ImageCalculator java class to do so ( The
parameters are like the options in the plugin when running it from the
menu. You can also record this by setting the macro recorder to "Java" to
see how you might implement it as a command.

If you only use the binary image to define ROIs why not read the ROIs in by
applying the >Analyze >Analyze Particle function and using the "Add to
manager" option. Thus, you will get the ROIs in the ROI-Manager and can use
those on your original image for any kind of measurements you want to
perform. You could also test how "Redirect to:" works in the >Analyze >Set
Measurement dialog to cirmumvent the ROI-Manager if desired.

Hope this helps.

2014-11-05 6:35 GMT+01:00 luckyluke <
[hidden email]>:

> Dear ImageJ users,
> I want to do simple masking and then subtract (or may be blacken) certain
> parts of an image using a black and white masking image . both original and
> masking images have the same size but the masking image describe the areas
> I
> need for working on my main picture.
> I don't know which commands I can use with imageJ since I want to do them
> using java codes.
> Thanks for any hint,
> Regards
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