Hi Emma,
You can try the Cell Counter plugin on the plugins page.
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/index.htmlYou can also use the ROI manager. If you press "t" after you've
selected a point, it will add the selection to the ROI manager. Then
select show all in the ROI manager window.
On 4/16/07, Emma Croser <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Im sorry if the answer to this is somewhere I haven't found yet. I am a new
> user and am having trouble working out how to collect the most basic
> measurements. All I need to do is count objects (hemidesmosomes, on TEM
> immages)ie 15 per 1um ( I know how to set scale and measure one straight
> line at a time) and also measure multiple distances (basement membrane
> separations). I CAN measure and record the measurement/point by pressing "m"
> key after each one but Id like to know how to get the line/point (+/-actual
> measured value) to stay there on the image so I can see where I have
> previously measured. Can anyone please advise me? Is this covered the
> measure-label plug in function?
> Thanks, Emma