measure and label question

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measure and label question

Alpesh Khushalchand Shukla
Hello all, I need some help recovering some data.

I was using "measure and label" macro to measure
lengths of line like objects in an image by manually
selecting using the line tool and then pressing F1.
After finishing with measuring (and getting a table of
results in another window), I forgot to copy and paste
this set of results and I measured another area in the
same image, which made the previous set of results
disappear. I didn't know it would disappear if I
measure something else. Now I do have an image with
all the manually drawn lines with numbers on them. Is
it possible to recover the lost length data?

It will save me a lot of time if I can recover the
length data.


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Re: measure and label question

Wayne Rasband
> Hello all, I need some help recovering some data.
> I was using "measure and label" macro to measure
> lengths of line like objects in an image by manually
> selecting using the line tool and then pressing F1.
> After finishing with measuring (and getting a table of
> results in another window), I forgot to copy and paste
> this set of results and I measured another area in the
> same image, which made the previous set of results
> disappear. I didn't know it would disappear if I
> measure something else. Now I do have an image with
> all the manually drawn lines with numbers on them. Is
> it possible to recover the lost length data?
> It will save me a lot of time if I can recover the
> length data.

Sorry, I do not know how to recover the length data. What I can do,
however, is fix ImageJ so this should not happen in the future. In
version 1.37b and later, when using "Measure and Label" or similar
macros, you will get a "Save Results?" dialog when switching between
measuring lines and measuring areas. Macro writers will be able to
suppress this dialog by running in batch mode.

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Re: measure and label question

Alpesh Khushalchand Shukla
HELLO Wayne,

You send an attachment (1.37b) inthe last email and I
am a little confused how to use it. It does not look
like imageJ application, it gives just a java icon and
the menu is showing the name ij.imageJ (was the name
changed? I also realized that I was using 1.34 till

Also when I install the measure and label macro,
nothing happens. I mean when I press F1 I dont get the
result dialog box.

Am I doing something wrong?

Alpesh -

-- Wayne Rasband <[hidden email]> wrote:

> > Hello all, I need some help recovering some data.
> >
> > I was using "measure and label" macro to measure
> > lengths of line like objects in an image by
> manually
> > selecting using the line tool and then pressing
> F1.
> > After finishing with measuring (and getting a
> table of
> > results in another window), I forgot to copy and
> paste
> > this set of results and I measured another area in
> the
> > same image, which made the previous set of results
> > disappear. I didn't know it would disappear if I
> > measure something else. Now I do have an image
> with
> > all the manually drawn lines with numbers on them.
> Is
> > it possible to recover the lost length data?
> >
> > It will save me a lot of time if I can recover the
> > length data.
> Sorry, I do not know how to recover the length data.
> What I can do,
> however, is fix ImageJ so this should not happen in
> the future. In
> version 1.37b and later, when using "Measure and
> Label" or similar
> macros, you will get a "Save Results?" dialog when
> switching between
> measuring lines and measuring areas. Macro writers
> will be able to
> suppress this dialog by running in batch mode.
> -wayne

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