Dear ImageJ group,
I have encountered an incomprehensible behavior of Analyze Particles
when the ROI Manager is open, and there appear to be memory leaks
causing the problem.
Very simply, I have generated a list of ROIs that are stored in the ROI
Manager. Then I run a loop that should select the first ROI, duplicate
it to a new image, threshold, and run Analyze Particles. Inexplicably,
the results table contains measurements for each ROI in the Manager
followed by the measurements of my thresholded image. I did not
instruct ImageJ to measure the ROIs in the Manager, and it appears to do
this through the Analyze Particles command.
In order to work around this problem, I decided to reset the ROI Manager
before running Analyze Particles. Here is the smoking gun --- I find
the exact same results in the measurements table! The ROIs are still
being measured, although they should no longer exist...
The code is as follows:
for(j=0;j<length;j++) {
roiManager("Select", j);
run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=70");
run("Duplicate...", "title=dup");
run("Select None");
run("OtsuThresholding 16Bit");
run("Analyze Particles...", "size=10-5000
circularity=0.00-1.00 show=[Nothing]");
saveAs("Measurements", dest+number+"_"+j);
run("Clear Results");
I am running ImageJ v1.44i on a Mac OS X 10.6.4 with the latest version
of Java.
First, I cannot understand why the ROIs are being measured, and
secondly, why I fail to delete them using the command
roiManager("reset"); I am not an experienced Java programmer, so
perhaps there is a safer, cleaner way to write these instructions...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Elizabeth CROWELL
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division Research Group
Institut Pasteur
28 rue du Dr Roux
75015 PARIS, France
Tel :
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