Hi Neuro,
in today's daily build (available via Help>Update ImageJ), Wayne has
added the possibility to convert a single images to a stack:
Also single images have a 'Depth (images)' field in Image>Adjust>Slices.
You can set it to the desired number of slices; all slices will contain
the same image.
Then, you can create a composite image from two stacks. Here is a macro
run("T1 Head (2.4M, 16-bits)");
n = nSlices();
run("Duplicate...", "slice");
run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=2");
// We now have a single image of the same size
width = getWidth();
height = getHeight();
run("Size...", "width=&width height=&height depth=&n
// The single image is expanded to a stack now
run("Merge Channels...", "c1=t1-head.tif c2=t1-head-1.tif create");
On 05.12.18 17:48, neuro wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have a question regarding merging channels.
> I have an image in green channel with 2007 stacks (Actually this is a time
> lapse)
> Another image is in blue channel with only 1 stack (1 image). I would like
> to merge them via image j but I can not due to the fact that the number of
> images is not in the same amount. How can I solve this problem?
> Thanks in advance
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