mouse wheel & z-stack

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mouse wheel & z-stack

F Javier Díez Guerra

Is it possible to associate the movement of the mouse wheel with the
display of images up and down within a z-stack?


F Javier Diez-Guerra, PhD
Profesor Titular
Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma
Ctra Colmenar Viejo Km 15
Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid

phone:  +34 91 4978051
Fax:      +34 91 4978087
e-mail: [hidden email]
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Re: mouse wheel & z-stack

Wayne Rasband
> Is it possible to associate the movement of the mouse wheel with the
> display of images up and down within a z-stack?

The MouseWheelListener interface, added in Java 1.4, is required to
support mouse wheels. Unfortuneltly, imageJ would not work with earlier
versions of Java if stack windows used this interface.

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Re: mouse wheel & z-stack


On Tue, 29 Aug 2006, Wayne Rasband wrote:

> > Is it possible to associate the movement of the mouse wheel with the display
> > of images up and down within a z-stack?
> The MouseWheelListener interface, added in Java 1.4, is required to support
> mouse wheels. Unfortuneltly, imageJ would not work with earlier versions of
> Java if stack windows used this interface.

Since plugins do not suffer this restriction (you just cannot run them
with older versions of Java, but ImageJ itself will be unaffected), I just
wrote a plugin which implements such a stackwindow:
