naive question about creating a macro to make stacks of pseudo-colored images

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naive question about creating a macro to make stacks of pseudo-colored images

This is a naive question, but I'm interested in creating a macro that will
convert two gray scale images into a pseudocolored images and then merge
them (sort of like the RGB gray merge plugin).  Is there a way in the macro
language, to specify which image (e.g. image 1 v. image 2) that you would
like manipulated?

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Re: naive question about creating a macro to make stacks of pseudo-colored images

Harry Parker
Hi Andrew,

I suggest you look through the online documentation for the macro language. It's fairly easy if you've done any programming. Check out the Developer Resources web page on the ImageJ site. (Hint: search for "select" on the Built-in Macro functions page.) The example macros page is also your friend.
Harry Parker  
Senior Systems Engineer  
Dialog Imaging Systems, Inc.

----- Original Message ----
From: Andrew Yee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 3:26:35 PM
Subject: naive question about creating a macro to make stacks of pseudo-colored images

This is a naive question, but I'm interested in creating a macro that will
convert two gray scale images into a pseudocolored images and then merge
them (sort of like the RGB gray merge plugin).  Is there a way in the macro
language, to specify which image (e.g. image 1 v. image 2) that you would
like manipulated?
