Hey there,
I have some problems opening the .nd files from the metamorph. I attach you the log file:
Can't find field name StartTime1 in line:
Weird nd file version: Not yet a version 2.0, not a version 1.0 anymore !
Will be interpreted as version 1.0
Can't find field name DoTimelapse in line:
I think I have the last version of the pluggin metamorph nd stack builder so I don't really know what's going on with this.
Please, anyone could help me??
Thank you very much in advance
Área de Genética
Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo (CABD)
Depto. de Biología Molecular e Ing. Bioquímica
Universidad Pablo de Olavide--CSIC--JA
Crta. de Utrera Km1, 41013, Sevilla, España
TLF (+34) 954 978116
Fax (+34) 954 349376