need some help with imageJ

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need some help with imageJ

OBEID Patricia 154904
I have a problem with files in ImageJ from Metamorph.
My manipulation involves the acquisition of several z (n = 22) for the same position x, y and on several times (n = 61).
Files generated by Metamorph are actually a stack of 22z for a given time.
The Concatenator allows me to concatenate a stacks in groups of 18. So I have 3 "movies" from 18 a stacks and a fourth of seven stacks.
I would like to create a HyperStack of all that I can see for each z what happens over time.
When I try to create HyperStack I have a black file, image empty for t = 61; z = 22 and c = 1 !!!
Could you give me some tracks to reach my goal to please.
I thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,
Patricia OBEÏD
Animateur Informatique Biomics
CEA Grenoble
DSV / iRTSV / BGE U1038/ Biomics / Bât 4020
17 rue des Martyrs
38054 GRENOBLE Cedex 9

Email : [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
Tél : (+33)4 38 78 47 12
Fax : (+33)4 38 78 59 17

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Re: need some help with imageJ

Jerome Mutterer-3
Hi Patricia.
The following works:
First convert both of your hyperstacks to normal stacks using the
"hyperstack to stack" command. At this point you can check if there are no
missing image planes (n==z*t*c). Then use the concatenate command, and
convert back the result concatenated stack to an hyperstack using  the
"stack to hyperstack" reciprocal command, specifying the right


On 31 October 2014 07:48, OBEID Patricia 154904 <[hidden email]>

> Hello,
> I have a problem with files in ImageJ from Metamorph.
> My manipulation involves the acquisition of several z (n = 22) for the
> same position x, y and on several times (n = 61).
> Files generated by Metamorph are actually a stack of 22z for a given time.
> The Concatenator allows me to concatenate a stacks in groups of 18. So I
> have 3 "movies" from 18 a stacks and a fourth of seven stacks.
> I would like to create a HyperStack of all that I can see for each z what
> happens over time.
> When I try to create HyperStack I have a black file, image empty for t =
> 61; z = 22 and c = 1 !!!
> Could you give me some tracks to reach my goal to please.
> I thank you very much in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Patricia
> _______________________________________
> Patricia OBEÏD
> Animateur Informatique Biomics
> CEA Grenoble
> DSV / iRTSV / BGE U1038/ Biomics / Bât 4020
> 17 rue des Martyrs
> 38054 GRENOBLE Cedex 9
> Email : [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
> Tél : (+33)4 38 78 47 12
> Fax : (+33)4 38 78 59 17
> --
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Jerome Mutterer
CNRS - Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes
12, rue du Général Zimmer
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
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