new plugin release: bUnwarpJ 2.0

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new plugin release: bUnwarpJ 2.0

Ignacio Arganda Carreras
Dear all,

Here you are a new beta version of my registration plugin, now with
Macro Language support:

 - I rewrote the code to make it more modular, with different classes
now in different files inside the JAR.
 - It goes to Plugins > Registration > bUnwarpJ.
 - The landmarks are now always used to calculate an initial affine
 - The transformations composition is made now with bilinear
interpolation to avoid loss of information.

The code is BETA, so i will really appreciate all your feedback,
comments and suggestions!

If you come up with generic macros to register stacks, rgb images, etc.,
i will be more than happy of uploading them on the site.



Ignacio Arganda-Carreras
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Laboratorio B-408     Phone: (+34) 91 497 2260
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ctra. de Colmenar Viejo, Km. 15
Madrid 28049,  Spain

E-mail: [hidden email]