new to ImageJ - looking for some old familiar functions

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new to ImageJ - looking for some old familiar functions

Morilak, David A
We have been avid users of NIH Image for >15 years, but finally had to replace our old Mac7100 with the LG-3 NuBus capture card (running Mac system 7.6!) and our SONY XC77 CCD camera, and we are getting a new firewire camera with ImageJ on an intel iMac running OS 10.5. We just started playing with it to demo a few cameras - and while a lot seems similar, a lot is different and/or missing....

As a start, we frequently used 2 old NIH Image functions quite frequently, and can't find equivalents in ImageJ -

1. Live Paste - to align film autoradiograms for densitometric measurements with their adjacent stained sections to allow us to analyze defined anatomical brain regions.

2. The Markup Macros, which allowed us to draw on a captured image and extract only the stuff we drew to a separate image. We used this for two things -  to trace certain regions of interest to a schematic diagram, and as a convenient way to count labeled cells on microscope images using "analyze particles" by analyzing the extracted marks we made on each positive cell...

I have looked all over the web site and documentation, and can't find an equivalent set of macros that would allow us to draw on an image and extract only what we draw - any guidance?

I'm sure we'll be back with more questions as we start to use the new software - we were among the first to use NIH Image, and I guess we're among the last to abandon it!

See you, and thanks!

David Morilak, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmacology, Mail Code 7764
University of Texas Health Science Center
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900

Phone:  210-567-4174
FAX:    210-567-4303
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