nudge function

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nudge function

Nikos Katsikanis
does anyone know how you would take a crop of an image, then nudge this
cropped image in a given direction. ie clicking a button moves the cropped
image up 1 pixel from the original image data
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Re: nudge function

Wayne Rasband
> does anyone know how you would take a crop of an image, then
> nudge this cropped image in a given direction. ie clicking a button
> moves the cropped image up 1 pixel from the original image data

You can Copy or Cut a selection, Paste it, then nudge it one pixel at a
time using the arrow keys. Note that you do not need to hold down the
control or command key to use keyboard shortcuts. Simply type 'c' to
copy, 'x' to cut and 'v' to paste. While pasting, use Edit>Paste
Control to experiment with various transfer modes ("Blend",
"Difference", "XOR", etc.).
