on the PostgreSQL plugin

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on the PostgreSQL plugin

Albert Cardona
Hi all,

For those of you using the PostgreSQL_.java plugin available at
http://www.pensament.net/java/other_plugins.html , I have found a big flaw in
it that can be trivially corrected:

Look up the line that says:


And uncomment it, as it is indeed needed. Otherwise small images (like 20x20
pixels) are not written at all into the database, and large images may be
truncated. As it is now it works fine in macosx-G4-java1.4.2, but it fails in
macosx-G5-java1.5.0 and in linux machines with java 1.5.0.

I have updated the plugin in the webpage.

By the way this plugin has been downloaded way too many times for being a
simple test plugin. I am interested in learning from whoever is using
PostgreSQL and databases in general from within ImageJ or other java
programs. I'd appreciate sharing that kind of "aha!" knowledge that is almost
impossible to obtain, as well as solutions and workarounds and optimizations
and what not. Please contact me off the list if its too ImageJ unrelated.


Albert Cardona
Institute of Neuroinformatics     Tel : +41 1 635 3052
University/ETH Zurich             Fax : +41 1 635 3053
Winterthurerstrasse 190           acardona  (at)  ini phys ethz ch
Zurich 8057, Switzerland          www.ini.unizh.ch